Sunday, April 12, 2009

Using terrariums for miniature gardening

A terrarium allows us to easily grow plants inside our house. It is a transparent container used for keeping or growing plants inside it. The high humidity inside the terrarium creates a high humidity environment similar to a small greenhouse. This is helpful particularly during the winter season when you have heaters running. The terrarium provides almost all the resources required for the plant to grow properly.

The terrarium should be placed out of direct sunlight since exposure to sunlight may cause over heating. Choose a plant which is small and grows slowly so you don’t have to worry about the plants becoming too large too soon for the container. Growing plants in a terrarium is a fun filled process which your kids will enjoy doing. Terrariums have been in use for centuries and are foolproof.

You can find many terrariums for sale in local stores. However, you can make your terrarium at home. You can use an old glass container or aquarium to create a terrarium. You can also use a shallow glass bowl or container.

After you choose/create a terrarium container, there are some other things you will require to create your miniature garden successfully. You will require some small good looking pebbles, charcoal, sphagnum moss and a good quality soil mix. There are special soil mixes available specifically for terrariums. These mixes may be difficult to find and are not really required. Begin with a good indoor potting mix made specifically for container plants. You can also add perlite or vermiculite for drainage. Remember you will get what you pay for. Don’t compromise on the soil mix. Cheap potting soils may cause your plants to die. They stifle the plant’s roots and cause fungus and disease to the plant. Based on the size of your terrarium, you can use household items like forks, chopsticks, tongs, etc as your gardening tools. Make sure all the tools are clean before using by soaking them in very hot water for 2-3 minutes.

See how to create your own terrarium here

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